Monday, September 20, 2010


Treats are so delicious and it bring a smile around youre face,I have had so much treats this 2 weeks, so sit back and let me bring a smile around on your face.

Whenever I am around my family, I get so much satisfaction with their growth in the Lord, Desiree and I was on a camp treating old people and spoiling them, we did this with my mother in-law and family members, there were round about 30 old people, desiree and her 2 nieces got down and did the most amasing thing.

What you may ask?

They washed the old people's feet ,cut their nails, did pedicure and all those nice things that ladies like,I could see them enjoying it and it blessed my heart to see my wife serving with her 2 nieces, I was reminded of the lady who poured oil on Jesus feet and used her hair to dry his feet and when the disciples asked what is she doing, Jesus said - she is doing a great thing. WoW and among those old people were Desiree Grandmother who is 99 years old, Wow, Wow

My daughter has heared her boeta praying before food and so she hums it,the other day getting off from work,really tired and looking forward to a nice meal and having received it, started eating,just to hear this beautifull humn - Thanking you Father,Thank you Father for the food daughter was thankfull and seeing the example of her boeta blessed my heart and I realised that THANKFULLNESS should constantly be on our lips,lets not be like the 9 people who JESUS cured of leprosy and was not thankfull,let us turn around and say THANK YOU DADDY like 1 of the 10, who turned around and did that.

Justin my son is growing up, When I look at him, I constanly say Father God help me to be a good Father to him, at times I get cross with him, just to have him at night times sitting next to me.I love my son and when I place my hand on his head at night times - I say Daddy let him become more ,better intimate with You than his Father was.He is an example to me in many ways. Fathers look at the ways how youre sons grow.

I personally was treated in this 2 weeks with such intimacy with God,let me tell you 3 stories.

1 As I was preparing a message to speak to the old ladies I could feel in my heart,God was with me.During my message I started crying and as I spoke I could feel the LOVE God has for these old people and I could encourage them.

2 Leadership is always a blessing to my heart and when you encounter young people who want to succeed,you put every thing into it.When the camp was finished I got so much positive feedback,even a booking for 2011 with words - We want Stanley to do Leadership Training, I was blessed and to know that I can work with these leaders during their school year was an extra bonus, a choclate treat.

3 I was speaking at a youth convention and I could see that they were enjoying themselves and afterwards one of the young people came to me and said - that was for me.

God treats us with so many treats, lets be aware of HIS treats in our lives.


  1. I love reading your blog. It make me think that we cant separate leadership from fatherhood.You are an example of a big brother to us all also.

    You can follow my blog to, @
