Thursday, October 21, 2010


This may sound scary but yet when you look at Shadows, it has got a significant meaning to it.Our theme for summer Camp this year is based on Shadows, I cant tell you how much excited I am.

Excited,Why you may ask?

Well everything has got a begining and this is my story concerning SHADOWS.When I was on team in the year 2000,we did a drama on the cricifixtion, I played the part of Jesus being cricified and it had such an impact on me that night.That night as we finished the drama,I went outside and sat on the stairs of our Chapel,my heart was pounding and I starting crying with a deep prayer saying "FATHER LET THIS DRAMA BRING PEOPLE TO YOU.I looked to my right and saw this huge shadow , I thought to myself, this cant be, and I started to look for a light that would reflect my image.

Guess what?

No light and when I looked again I saw a Huge Shadow and small shadow, I am getting goose bumps as I am writing this.

The GOD OF UNIVERSE,MY DADDY WAS WITH ME. I felt a warmth within and I cried.I could sense in my heart that what I was about to do the reflection Shadow of the REAL THING.

What is the Real Thing?
Jesus dying on the Cross for Me and You.

That is so powerfull my friends,I got comforted by DADDY that I am doing the right thing.When we desire Heaven to be be upon earth, as we pray the part in Our Father prayer - Let it be upon the earth as it is in Heaven,we are bringing the things of the KINGDOM OF GOD upon the earth.

Heb 8:5 says "... who serve the copy and shadow of the heavenly things, as Moses was divinely instructed when he was about to make the tabernacle. For He said, "See that you make all things according to the pattern shown you on the mountain." The tabernacle was built on the image of the one in HEAVEN.I want to say to you that the tabernacle on earth is a shadow of the REAL THING.

There is things of the Kingdom of GOD that should be reflected upon earth,we should cast Shadows of it. Shadows of Courage, Love ,patience, peace and best of all dying to oneself and letting Jesus Christ reign in us, THE REAL THING.We have the blue print of it - THE BIBLE.

I know that there is shadows that brings fear.Shadows that is attach to us that we are afraid that when they are seen in reality it may mean the end of us,what are these shadows, they may be abuse,unforgiveness,abondenment, sexual immorality,drugs and alcohol abuse,unfaithfullness.

Children of GOD,my heart ache for the children that has got the REAL THING but their SHADOWS are keeping them in bodage. Summer CAMP 2010 SHADOWS is going to set young people free so that they will see Psalm 91 "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most HIGH shall abide under the SHADOW of the ALMIGHTY.Other will discover the REAL THING and display a SHADOW of HIM by Accepting Jesus in their Lives.

Col 2:17 which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ.
A shadow of the things to come,I am excited about SHADOWS Summer Camp.Youth will experience heaven upon earth as they come to camp from 4th till 10th Dec.They will connect with GOD , with JESUS ,with HOLY SPIRIT. I am getting gooze bumps again. THANK YOU DADDY.


1 comment:

  1. Wow, dit alleen se dat die Here groot dinge gaan doen in Summer Camp! Ek tree saam in dat die jong mense oop sal wees vir Hom. Geseente dag!
