Monday, August 16, 2010

Who Am I

Last week as I prepared for youth meeting for our Champs at Victory Christian Church,where we are CHAMPIONS,GOD layed this song on my heart by Casting Crown. We had fun in the beginning and then I showed 2clips,one displaying the culture of our youth in todays life,simply portraying that there is a youth culture operating by not knowing WHO AM I,an identity crises.
Who are you I may ask?
Are you part of a culture in todays life not knowing WHO you are? We concluded the evening where I brought out a big mirror and I ask the young people to look themselves in the mirror and speak to themselves of What GOD is saying to them -WHO THEY ARE.There were tears as some spoke to themselves making eye contact with themselves,others were soft,others drew strenth and spoke boldly.

I have come to believe that as I understand more of HIM,I can say that I am His reflection that I see in the mirror ,all the promises that THE WORD OF GOD says, I am that , I am His Son , I am Co-heir with Him , I am Prince , I am wonderfully and Fearfully made , I am His Handiwork.

Gues what?

So are YOU , when you look into the mirror, Proclaim with boldness that you are Precious,Beautifull and you will experience the outcome it has on your soul,your heart.

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