Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thinking Ahead - Taking a Journey

The mind clearly understands and identifies with pictures as it draws up and captures the imagination of our heart and how we see and draw up pictures to the principles we believe in.

I am on a journey in my life now that reflects back on the wonderfull pictures of seeing how GOD has stepped into my life and changed the paradime shift of pictures.GOD IS FAITHFULL.

GOD has brought so much truth into my Life.

                                          You may wonder where this is leading to ?

As I reflect, I am thinking and deciding of new pictures that I want to achieve in my life.I am also taking stock and re-alining myself to vision casting for myself and my family. The bible is full of pictures and we see Jesus Christ speaking of parables of pictures that helps us to conclude what He is trying to impress on our Heart that we need to follow in.

                        My dear friend how much of reflection is taking place in your life?

I attended a week long training last week and clearly GOD impress on my heart that
                                 HE IS GUIDING ME.
What a comfort and encouragement , I want encourage you to reflect back and see the pattern and pictures of our Awesome God.
Reflection for me goes with the following -

Passion - What do I enjoy most , what makes me tick , what energizes me?

Purpose - Am I forfulling what GOD has purposed in my heart , Am I in obedience to HIM?

Place - Am I at the right place, does the environment bring the best out of me?

Timing - What is GOD doing in me, is changes taking place in me , Am I moving with HIM?

This is my encouragement to you aswell - let us be obedient to the calling that is upon us and bring GLORY to GOD. GOD never fails us and we will do greater things - Do not limit yourself - take the journey, explore and draw up new picture.

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