Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Journey

3 Months into and still excited as can be.You know what! a racetrack can be exciting. Since we had our prayer and fast in the beginning of the year,we were constanly doing leadership camps.We have worked with over 500 leaders of Schools and we thoroughly enjoyed it. When you live your passion,you will take on any challenge.

My wife's Grandmother turned 100 years old in January and as a whole family we held a feast,we ate like crazy,had fun and did sports in a dry but partly wet river bed.

In faith we have rented a house and has turned it into our office aswell.

God has given me a word that I will travel the whole country and be HIS instrument,I am trusting HIM now for my own vehicle.

So why am I telling you this,simply because Isa 62:2 says And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD shall name.

Isa 62:3 Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God.

Isa 62:10 Go through, go through the gates; prepare ye the way of the people; cast up, cast up the highway; gather out the stones; lift up a standard for the people.Isa

62:12 And they shall call them, The holy people, The redeemed of the LORD: and thou shalt be called, Sought out, A city not forsaken.

I thoroughly believe with my Pastor that this is the year of the open door. I will grow in my faith, believing that faith as a mustard seed will allow me to walk on water, walk in the valley of shadow death ,walk into a fiery furnace and yet not be burned,walking to face my Goliath's ,walking with my cross.

I want to challenge you to be DARING.Faith is the substance of things hope for,certain of what we do not see.

GOD can do the impossible and its time that we rely upon HIM and what He says in HIS word.Take some time out and allow GOD to speak into you and let me know.

I will be Victorious at the end of my journey.